ACTIVATE is a European Voluntary Service (EVS) project that seeks to promote intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, proactivity and active citizenship between the EVS participants and the local community, and to enhance a better understanding and dialogue with the wide European cultural diversity. It is designed by considering 3 main subjects: 1. Art, creativity and culture; 2. Intergenerational learning; 3. Climate change and Environmental issues, with the aim to creatively empower international young persons to achieve their personal and professional goals.

TRANSFORMA will be hosting 4 participants, from France, Poland, Czech Republic and Spain from February 1st until July 1st 2015. The EVS participants will contribute with their own opinions and experiences and will learn from the organisation by being included in the general organisation scheme regarding e.g. general services, event organisation or administrative work. Furthermore the EVS participants will be given the opportunity and the support to live and to create, plan and organize their own activities, workshops, art exhibitions, intergenerational learning processes or environmental projects.

This blog is a platform where the participants can share her/his thoughts and feelings about progress, challenges, and experiences during the ACTIVATE project.